Saturday, November 8, 2008

The end doesn't justify the means.

Tender and genuine, He wraps His arms around me in the form of truth and beauty. 
I feel this deep sting of emotion grow inside of me and tears fill my eyes. 
Why does my pursuit of Him bring all the pain to the surface? 
I have an aversion to the pursuit of Him in recent days for just such reason. 
It's pursuit of truth. With truth comes knowledge. With knowledge and understanding comes great responsibility. 
He wants to bring the truth of my brokenness into light so as to redeem my broken heart and set me free. 
Freedom cannot be forced, but rather, must be embraced. 
My pain is not justified in His healing. 
The beauty of the healing is the end, and it doesn't justify the means. 
His healing redeems the means. (The brokenness - of my soul, my story, and my life.) 
{{{ & yours. }}}

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