Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I decided to read Ecclesiastes, because, well... I never have before. 

I get so frustrated with people, because I want to learn just for the sake of knowledge, ya know? Knowledge for the sake of knowledge, not money or power. But that's rare... And most that I know are more of 'ignorance is bliss' and that gets under my skin. 

Here it comes... Ecclesiastes 1 talks all about all things being vanity - which is my biggest frustration with myself and others.... everything is SELF - and then... 

"In much wisdom, there is much grief, for he who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow." 

That sounds all too familiar to me. I'm pretty sure (correct me if I am wrong) that Spiderman says 'with great wisdom/power comes great responsibility'... 

The more you know about this broken, lost, crazy world... the more you ache to solve the problems of other people. The moment that you put a face with those staggering AIDS statistics, or a family of names with the numbers of those who starve to death... YOU have a responsibility... you can't go on ignorant. You know that you can do something about it... 

I know that this might be a little out of the context of the passage - like it's talking about the vanity of wisdom - BUT, like I said, I am talking about wisdom - knowledge for the sake of knowledge here - not for the sake of power or money or self. 

Like, wow, Jesus.

"I have seen all that is done under the sun, and behold all is vanity and a striving after nothingness {wind - that which is fleeting}."

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