Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"My Politics"

"Change has come alright, but can we survive it?" - facebook status of one of my friends. 

I wonder what the change in this country would look like if the church was half as worried about truly following Jesus, and living in a kingdom not of this world as they have been about making sure John McCain is our next president. 

Well, he's not. Obama won.

I've heard Christians talk about him being a muslim, the antichrist, a terrorist, etc. 
So if he's going to run our country the way so many Christians are afraid he will right now, we might actually be forced to be the true church.

Imagine, persecution for the sake of Christ. 
You stop having people who claim Him without pursuing Him at all.
You start having a community of people willing to die for Him. 

It's scary, but oh, what it would be to see a body of true believers come together and seek Him, and seek truth, and live out "His Kingdom come, His Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven..."

The idea of being really honest about my politics scares me.
The only time I've even talked about it with more than one person, I was met with a lot of hate. 

I refuse to claim a party, in the same way that I don't define myself as American... 
I can not in the same breath that I call myself a follower of Christ, claim allegiance to this country or its' president (whoever that may be.) 

I did not vote in this election. I may never vote. 

I know this infuriates many people. 
Maybe tomorrow, I will have 50 less friends on Facebook. We'll see.

I refuse to vote for someone based on a speech given.
They can say whatever they want, and I guarantee they've said what they know people want to hear. 
I refuse to vote for someone based on someone else's opinions.

It comes down to wisdom.
Reading policy and pursuing truth.

If I had the time or energy to read the policies and make that a priority, I might have voted.
But I didn't... and what research I did do...
I found it much more worth my while to pursue genuinely loving the people around me, rather than chasing something out of my control, that's going to end up being a government, a society, a country in the pursuit of nothingness anyway.

It's expected of me that I'd vote for McCain, as a Christian, because he doesn't like abortion. 
Oh, but he is in favor of war.

I'm certain that when Jesus said "love your enemies", he did not mean, "kill them".

This election has been nonsense and craziness for an entire year. 
It's all I've heard about for an entire year. It's exhausting. 

And, we'll have another entire year of it, again, in just a few short years. 
And the process will repeat itself... For the rest of my life. Yuck. 

For more on honest convictions that I support (his honesty and wise decision making) read Don Miller's Post.; Also, Jesus for President
(Although, I'm also certain Jesus is already King whether we embrace it or not, and that He doesn't and wouldn't want to be our President... It's still a legitimate, well written book.)

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