Friday, April 18, 2008

Love Letter

I found this in my journal today.
I will type it exactly as it is written, hearts and all.
08 October 2007 

Dearest Lover,
I cannot begin to express in words the passion, the overwhelming love & desire in my heart for you... The emotion that just overcomes my heart and soul at the very thought of you... it brings joy to my life, a smile to my face... and a whole new aspect of myself is revealed. You are the only good thing in my life, without you I am nothing. 
You complete me and make me whole. ♥ Jesus ♥, You are more than I could ever begin to imagine. You fill me. You bring love, hope, joy, & peace where I never thought it possible. You have given me a new life, a new personality, a new identity. You have taught me more than anyone would ever believe.
You are the essence of my life. You are the air that I breathe, the dream that I embrace. You are the sparkle in my eye & the smile on my face. You are beautiful, brilliant & awesome. 
No words could ever describe, no picture or letter or poem could ever come close to capturing You or Your Beauty... No song could ever bring joy or peace the way that you can, Jesus. 
No space could ever contain you. You are bigger than big. 
More beautiful than anything. You are the reason for life. 

I hope and pray that these words are very few of so many more to come. That you will know (not just by my words, but by my life) that I am forever yours. That I love you with all that I am & all that I will ever be. Thank you, my Saviour. My Lover, my Redeemer. My Best Friend. My Everything. 
I love you.
-Yours forever, Nomsa ♥

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