Friday, April 18, 2008

Danger: Abyss Ahead

I woke up to 10 new messages. 

I guess that's what happens when you sleep in? lol. 

I am just thanking Jesus that I didn't wake up to all the noise coming from my phone. 

Today is this beautiful day to hang out with my Jesus. I am so stoked. 
A Sabbath if you will. :) 

Last was potentially very dangerous for me.
When I make mistakes, it's like an abyss. I don't just trip and keep walking... I like dive off of a cliff. (Analogy?)

And it just starts with a thought. One thought of guilt and shame or failure or... fill in the blank. 

Last night, I had to make a really hard decision that was the ultimate in saying NO. 

In case you're new to this, I have a REALLY hard time saying NO to people because I want to help everyone all the time. 

I don't want to burden people so I don't ask for things. 

But as I sat weeping last night I realized there are people who care. 

I asked for prayer, and I just cried and said the name of Jesus 100 times. 

All the other words I could say wouldn't matter, I would just be asking for hope or strength or comfort. He is those things... I just need Him.

He wrapped me in this little blanket of friends and they carried me away from that abyss before I could get there... Set me back on solid ground. 

Thank you, beautiful friends. ♥ I love you. 

I am listening to Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd) for the first time ever. 
I'm pretty sure it's the longest song EVER that I just do not want to turn off...

I absolutely love the hand towel dispensers in bathrooms that are automatic. It keeps me from using my feet or washing my hands twice. 

OK, time to go get all dressed up for my date with the epitome of perfection. Oh, Jesus, you make my knees weak. ;o)

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