Monday, March 3, 2008


Sometimes I just yearn to be loved and accepted. So much so that it's been stressing me out lately. It's as if all of my worth, value and validity would come from hearing that I am beautiful or just anything good, ya know?

Yesterday, I was at church singing praise and worship, and before I could even finish the thought (about not being beautiful or something), there was this quiet voice in my heart that said 'i'm screaming that at you from all directions'... 

And He is.

He could never love me any less, or any more. No matter what I do. He adores me. He is screaming His love and adoration from every direction... 

And yet, I still find myself so foolishly desiring it from people. And when I do, He is faithful about showing me that I really only need that from Him. 

How easy is it to totally fall into that, though? 

I think it might be so easy because of this 'social comparison theory' I've been studying in my psych class... I lose myself the most when I am surrounded by all of my beautiful friends, because (as this thing in psych explains) I am constantly comparing myself... and falling short (in my eyes.) 

We all want acceptance and love, and most want words of affirmation, but most important of all is that we do not get caught up in making that our identity... in getting our worth or validity from that. 

Our worth and validity does not, (rather should not) come from what other people think... but rather in knowing that our perfect Creator thinks we are so beautiful, loves us so much more than anyone ever could, and pours that love into us from all directions if only we see it.

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