Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I think alot about why I used to have so much disdain for Christians & the church as a whole...
And I think that one of the reasons so many people do is that we (Christians) totally fail to present the true message of Christ.

I mean, what good is heaven after I die if here and now is miserable? And the thing is... (Here's the thing)... That's not the message of Jesus. 

While, yes it is saving you from hell, it's also so much more about being part of bringing heaven to earth, now. It's about HEALING you where you are broken, completing you where you are incomplete, and loving you where you don't deserve it.

I think when I understood that, is when I really could love who Jesus is.

I think as outsiders of this strange "Christianity" we simply see Christians as Christ's representation, (AND WE ARE) but fail to see that they mess it up, hardcore. 

And I feel like it's just so vital... His love is unfailing, neverending, unconditional, and the perfect REDEEMING love.

If He can take the messed up crazy shell of a person that I was, and turn it into whoever this strange person is that I hardly know as myself anymore... There is absolute truth in the soul-deep healing that comes in the glory and power of Jesus Christ... 

Not a love that judges, or has hope or agenda, or asks of anything. Just a love. Be that love, in every way you can, to anyone you can. I just want to challenge you to that... See for yourself the rewards it gives your heart. 

I have so many more things I want to write, so if anyone reads these, I will be writing several over the next few days.

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