Sunday, March 23, 2008

Keep Your Coins, I Want Change.

I don't know where to begin.
I haven't slept in nearly 48 hours, and I am absolutely devastated at the moment.

I saw judgment and labels and disapproval like I have never seen before as I spent Easter morning with my beloved friends in downtown Orlando. And I heard Jesus speak through words and actions like never before in the last 24 hours. 

I had a friend telling me why she refuses to give money to homeless people, and how they waste their money... And I thought to myself, I wonder how God feels... He blesses us with things, in hopes we might do the right thing with that money, with those resources, and yet we waste it. 

But He doesn't stop blessing us. 

In the early hours of this morning, as I walked around downtown Orlando "dancing with Jesus", I saw something that stirred me... (Many things, but I will share this one specifically...)

As I was seeing it for the first time, this stained glass window of Jesus that overlooks the city of Orlando - impossible to miss at night - I said to my friend with tears in my eyes, 'Don't they understand that the money spent on that could so much more effectively show Jesus to this city than that stupid window?' 
Something along those lines. 

I am fed up. I am pissed off. I am sick of labels, and the pursuit of "cool". I am NOT ok with the ordinance against the homeless people in Orlando that forbids us to share meals together. I am NOT OK with the law that forces them to stand in a blue box if they want to hold a sign...

I want to see change. I want to see people who are truly seeking Jesus... and what it means to live Him out, walk with Him, dance with Him, and be HIS. 

As I got a few of these thoughts out, I realized that I am to be encouraged; for He is with me, He will guide me, and He is my hope... 

There is a light in this darkness and it is my Jesus shining through the innocent hugs of my homeless friends, it is my Saviour screaming beauty from an unexpected smile, it is my Redeemer when we weep together. 

He is here. He is moving. Love is real, it's HIM.

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