Saturday, February 7, 2009

Do versus Be.

I've been told my passion is infectious.
I hope that it is. I hope that my goals, dreams, and desires inspire.
I know that when I share my passion, it is reinforced in my soul. 
When I tell you of what brings me to life, what's set me free, and what makes me, me, I come to life that much more.

I came to an important realization last year... I am a human being, not a human doing. 
That no matter what I'm doing, I must remember that I was created to BE.

What am I to BE?
I am to BE me. I am to BE a writer, an inspirer, a friend, a lover.
I am to BE the change I wish to see. I am to be set free.
I am to BE still, to BE honest, to BE His.

Nothing is as liberating as the realization that He wants ME to BE His more than He wants anything I could ever do for Him, or in His name.

Infectious passion comes when you embrace who you were created to BE.
Don't get caught up with all the things you DO that define you, and BE the beautiful person that you are when you're doing what you do.
Everything you'll ever do is more effective when you're BEing you.

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