Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear Self.

Upon returning to the USA from India, the leader of the organization that took our team requested that we write ourselves letters about our experience... They'd mail them to us at a later date.
Here we are, 5 months later, and I got mine in the mail today.
It definitely touched my heart, so I'm going to share it with you. 
Keeping in mind that I am deliberate about encouraging myself at times when I feel able to do so, since insecurity is my biggest struggle. 

August 2008
Dear Self,
I hope you haven't so quickly or easily forgotten the poverty... I hope the poverty and desperation have impacted you beyond what you can shake. I hope that you remember the street children and how far those few dollars went to save that little boy's life... I hope that you remember God's faithfulness. 

You prayed and asked for brokenness - He provided. You asked to love until it hurts, and how it does hurt! You asked to love deeply and you do. You have. 
He is faithful.

He was even faithful in answering the prayers you didn't pray. The silent aches and cries of your heart and soul. He provided encouragement when you needed it as well as challenges. 

He gave you heart & love & eyes to see. He let you hold Him as you helf the street children - He held you as the baby's fingers were wrapped around yours. 

He let you be broken - as you asked - but He was just as faithful to heal you. He knew what would be too much & not enough, and He used you.

He used you through your weaknesses, He poured love through you. 
He used your heart & smile & hands & feet to love deeply & genuinely the people of Calcutta. 

He answered every prayer with your absolute best interest at heart. 
He told you, you are breathtakingly beautiful you're humble & wise & loved, as you are. As He has made - and continues to make you - to be.

I hope that not only you haven't forgotten the need & desperation, poverty & heartache... but I hope it rocked your world. I hope you have boldness & confidence in who He has made you - & in sharing Him - I hope you take humility & sincerity home. 
I hope you see that your heart is, at its' core, good - because of what He's done. And in that, you can do anything - you can be self controlled and disciplined, growing beyond insecurity and irresponsibility. 

I hope you dance in the rain - even if you're 'alone' - that you thirst for His Word - even when you don't. 
I hope that you don't forget that 1 dollar is 40 rupees. 
I hope you don't forget that His precious face is in that of everyone's you meet. 
That poverty in the USA looks completely different, but it's need, it's hunger, it's darkness. & in darkness, there's hope of light, in pain there's hope for healing... & that's what He does, who He is.

Almost more than all else, I hope you just see that you're free. Free to live & be who He's created you to be. That you'll open up and be real & vulnerable, that you'll figure out who you are & be completely true to you. (In Him of course.) 

There's too much to put into words or wrap my heart or head around right now, but, life must be different. 

Where is your Calcutta? What is worth your time? Who is your Master? What would He have you do?

Listen & learn in every situation you face. 
You are beautiful. So many people have told you that this month. 
Don't ever forget, you shine Jesus. 

You're loved. You're free. You're beautiful. You're Him. You're me. 

Love, with His love.
Lee Anne

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