Monday, December 29, 2008


Oh, People.

People are just that, people. You may think this one is better than that one, or even than you. But the reality is, they're just people.
At the core, we're the same. We're all broken on some level; even the people who can't admit they're broken... they are broken too. 
We all face problems. None of us is perfect.

I assume that's part of the reason I love people who wouldn't normally be loved, as much as I do... because they're just like me, just like you.

I assume that's the reason I've never been overwhelmed by celebrities. I don't care how much money you make, whether or not you're on tv, or how many hits you have on google. You're still just a man, just a woman. 
Just a broken person.

You're phenomenal, and I want to know you. I want to hear your stories. I want to understand your brokenness and help you see that you're loved. 

People. Don't get caught up in who you are, or who anyone else is. Don't be proud, and don't fuel the pride of others. 
Learn to see beyond the surface. 
See sin for what it is: brokenness. 
See brokenness for what it is: the need for redemption, grace, mercy, and love.

He's here to heal this people, to redeem this humanity.

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