Tuesday, June 10, 2008


One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the areas in our life where God speaks to us, and it just echoes throughout our lives..

Does that even make sense?
Whatever, anyway...

For the most recent echo it's been that He's been giving me the constant strength to worship Him with the simplest - but most meaningful to my soul - ... 

"I am yours & I am free."

His. and Free. 

He has set me free. He has beautifully redeemed - and continues to do so - this broken, beautiful disaster that my life has been. 

And for the first time in my life, I can say, I am beautiful. I am lovable. I am an amazing woman that some (amazing) man will one day have the privilege of getting my heart... 

Until then, though, it's in His hands, and as I dance this dance of life with my beautiful Saviour, I am trusting He'll let that man cut in. 

Thank you, Redeemer, for setting me free.
Free from my guilt, shame, insecurity, inability, in- and un- everything... And for redefining me as Yours.

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