Sunday, February 8, 2009


It hurts my heart to think that there are places where women are still intensely oppressed. I tend to think that we've come so far as a culture, society, age, and (even) as a world that this just wouldn't happen anymore.   

It's easier when you think the places where this still exists are tens of thousands of miles away in cultures that aren't as 'advanced' as ours.

But what of that attitude coming from the church that desires to teach me about Jesus?

How am I to learn that I'm loved by Jesus if the man who's teaching me about Him doesn't think I'm worth talking to because I'm a woman? 

How am I to believe that Jesus desires to captivate my heart, pursue me, and love me if my church doesn't think I'm good for anything except making babies and cooking. Oh, right, I forgot, cleaning.  

How am I to believe I am worth loving?

Because HE says so; no matter who distorts that, His words remain:
"You are altogether beautiful my love, there is no flaw in you."

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