Saturday, January 3, 2009


"What are your New Year's Resolutions?" read the message that interrupted my afternoon nap. 

I don't have any.
Can I be that honest?
Can I say that I think it's total rubbish? 
In some cases it's an excuse to prolong destructive behaviours. 
In other cases it's an overdue realization that there needs to be change in our lives, (which can be amazing). 
If a commitment to change comes from a place of guilt, it won't last; it's not heartfelt, it's not sustainable.

I don't have a New Year's resolution because I make commitments to change, to live life fully, in the pursuit of health and balance on a daily basis. 
I don't narrow it down to one day of the year that I decide this next year is going to be different... I hope and pray at the end of each and every day that the next will be different, better. 

Better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.
More of Him today than yesterday, and more tomorrow than today. 

I could go on, but I'll leave it at this...
If I had to have a New Year's resolution, it would be that my life would be the constant pursuit of truth, balance, health, and positive change. 
That I would be living the change I wish to see in the world; I'd be intentional about living love as an action. 
That I would always remember I am a human being, not a human doing. 
That in every single day, I would grow closer to the person I was created to be, creating, living, loving, learning, growing.

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