Monday, April 14, 2008

Sea Spiders

 was thinking to myself that I want so desperately to just be so in love with Jesus that everything else just fades away...

Like, fades out of focus. That ALL I see is HIM. 

But then I realized that's not what I want at all.

I want to see everything all around me, I want to see the people who are trying to hurt me. I want to see the people who are trying to take instead of give. I want to see ALL of the pain and hurt and anguish. 

I want to see it ALL more vibrantly. 

I want to see all of those things with His eyes.
& Love them with His Heart. 

I want to see the clouds and the grass and the trees, and feel the wind and see smiles, and just glorify Him all the more. I want to be so in love with Him... that the love songs on the radio give me chills thinking about my precious Saviour & Redeemer. 

My Lover. My Friend. My Jesus.

I was watching planet earth last night on my sister's big screen HD blu-ray... whatever... and there was this weird little sea spider thing...
My first thought was, ICK! Followed immediately by... "HE is so awesome." (Which I said out loud without thinking.) 

I thought back to this Passion conference this weekend and to one of my favorite passages of Scripture (Matt 5:16) that says to let men see our lights shining and praise our Father in Heaven.

Right... So if this awful looking, soul-less, simple-minded creature at the bottom of the sea (whom no-one would ever see if it weren't for the discovery channel) makes me praise God in all His glorious splendor... 

Should I not be doing so for the brilliant, intellectual, unique, beautiful, splendid individuals all around me? 

Should I not cause other people to react, "HE is so awesome." 

That's what I strive for.
That's what it should be. 
That's what I'm called to be. 

Hence the tattoo I've been talking about for months now. 

I found a new band I like. Snow Patrol. 

Open Your Eyes. 



Sometimes you have to die in order to appreciate what it is to truly live. 

Fall, in order to appreciate balance.

Scream, to value silence.

Cry, to understand a smile. 

Love, to alleviate hate.

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